I swear i'll be writing more in 2014

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2010 HopOff ... The Northeast Division (Part 1)

Lucky Kat ... GO VERMONT!!!!

The first sip is ... good before you swallow, then the aftertaste is kind of enh. (Angi)

Side Note on the next ranking: The last time I was trying to say, "If I was given ... GIVEN ... this beer at a party I'd fell __________" Anyways, I don't like the sound of that because if I was given 95% of the beers out there, I'd be happy. There are very few that wouldn't be good and nobody wants to be the beer snob at a party.

If I knew I was going to have this beer I'd feel ___________________

Zach: Woah, Magic Hat ... IPA ... This has GOT to be good. Then ultimate disappointment.
Angi: like I'd finish it.

We're both g'ing proficient. Seems like a strong ale, not an IPA. Kind of wish I had more.

Shipyard IPA ... Angi's Favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angi, "I feel like I'm about to take really horrible medicine." Fortunately for the good people of Shipyard brewing, Angela is not on their payroll.

The first sip is ... okay, it's not so good.

Angi "Like Coors tried to make an IPA"

If I knew I was going to have this beer I'd feel ___________________

Angi: You may wanna walk away from me if you're carrying this beer.
Zach: I don't know Miles, taste pretty good to me (actually, tastes pretty poor and I'd give a polite "No, thank you"

This is not good beer.

How good is this beer when Angi won't finish her beer:

I took a pretty big sip, and I have to say, it's not terrible, it's just very bland ... kinda like Coors tried to make an IPA. I will dump the rest however because it's a Tuesday night, and the less beer I drink, the better.

Angi says unspeakable, I'm saying unsavory.

Sea Dog Old East India IPA

The first sip is ... unspeakable. So malty. Maltiest IPA so far.

I'm thinking the good people of Maine can't make IPAs. I'm sure it's just the whole English IPA vs. California IPA thing, but c'mon, we all know Maine is the Texas of the northeast, and here's another reason why. Texas has ZERO IPA's shipped to Tampa, and you know why? Texas can't make good IPAs. It looks like Maine is the same way.

This is the worst beer of the tourney so far.

If I knew I was going to have this beer I'd feel ___________________

Angi: Why am I hanging out with Frat Guys!
Zach: Terrible. Much rather have Bud Light.

How good is this beer when Angi won't finish her beer:

Doesn't matter because I won't finish mine.

Completely unspeakable.

Sea Hag IPA ...

The good people of Woodbridge, CT ... and being a West Hartford native, I don't even know where Woodbridge is, but there's a slight chance we played them in high school soccer.

The first sip is ... much better than the Maine beers.

Apparently, this is a New Haven beer. It's fun to say NEW Haven, isn't it? As in, this city was founded because it was a new haven from the British government.

If I knew I was going to have this beer I'd feel ___________________

Angi: Unimpressed
Zach: Not a bad selection. Def. good vs. bad.

I'm going dandy, Angi is going proficient.

When Angi doesn't want her beer not because it's bad, but she just doesn't feel like drinking the rest because she doesn't want to get drunk it tastes: Pretty darn good.

Ipswitch IPA

The first sip is ... okay.

If I knew I was going to have this beer I'd feel ___________________

Angi: The confederacy is winning (referring to Southern IPAs vs. Yankee IPAs)
Zach: Well, at least they have something more than a little bitch fight over some flag that was relevant a couple hundred years ago.

Angi just said the head on this is yellow and she doesn't like anything with a yellow head on it, so naturally she doesn't like Asians.

How good is this beer when Angi won't finish her beer:

... what's the point. It's the Northeast, and let's be real here, the Northeast all tries to emulate that pure English IPA, and the California IPA is better than the English IPA. When I think about it, California is much cooler than fish and chips.

Skeletal remains are decomposed, this beer is undecomposed.

Southern Tier IPA

I'm from New York, I've got a gun and I'm going to a Broadway show.

The first sip is ... good. Thank god, we needed a good beer.

If I knew I was going to have this beer I'd feel ___________________

Angi: I'm pleased that we have more of them.
Zach: Doug E. Fresh. It's a pretty fresh beer.

This one is dandy 2 times.

The Next Rounders

Southern Tier (that's it)

The Fillers

Sea Hag
Lucky Kat (conveniently the ones we have more bottles of)

The Suck

Shipyard IPA
Sea Dog Old East India IPA

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